Monday, April 28, 2014

What is a Meme?

Some people have often complained that our pages does too many memes (even though "MEME" is in our name) They'll complain memes are overdone and just a fad. Well I want to ask you the question "what is a meme? What makes them so popular?" In a way memes have been around as long as movies have been. I remember people quoting movies but slipping something into it so it could relate them, so while you couldn't really call that meme (considering there aren't any images) they still have the meaning of meme, which is to relate. Whether it's problems in your life (ex: Crash owned by Activision)or just little things you thought were funny (ex: Crash's weird rape face he makes) memes can almost apply to anyone. Memes are pretty much jokes that relate to people through images and funny dialog. Now, I'm not saying they're always that, sometimes they can just be a funny little situation you can come up with (ex: my Michael Bay meme).What makes a meme popular is the relationship is has to the vast majority of people the creator is trying to appeal to. Some of our most popular memes were complete accidents and we had no idea people would love them so much.

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